RenewSys India

Jun 29, 20221 min

RenewSys Project Gallery

RenewSys Solar Panels are installed at various locations across the world.

Here are a few glimpses of the Project Images as seen below:

A beautiful solar PV module installation in Sweden. Set in a picturesque location Batteripoolen has installed a 260 KW Rooftop solar plant to power their facility.

511 KW of installation at Mapro Garden, Panchgani, India,
1.1 MW at Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa’s largest ground-mounted private sector project at Nelson Mandela University, funded by Standard Bank of South Africa

233 KW at Western Cape, South Africa, South Africa’s largest Floating Solar Power Plant

278 KW at the poultry farm in Ixopo, South Africa
76 KW RenewSys Solar PV Modules on building facade with vertical installation
4 MW of RenewSys Solar PV Modules installation at Pali, Rajasthan, India
10 MW Canal Top installation at West Bengal, India
45 MW installation at Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India

56 MW installation at Barmer, Rajasthan, India
