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DCR Solar Panels

Writer's picture: RenewSys IndiaRenewSys India

Updated: May 18, 2023

This post is most relevant to an Indian audience.

What are DCR Solar Panels in India?

Solar Panels are also known as Solar PV Modules.

When solar modules/panels are required to comply with the Domestic Content Requirement (DCR), it means that both the solar panel and the components used in its manufacturing must be made in India.


A key component specified in most cases is the solar PV cell, i.e. it should be a solar PV cell manufactured in India. These cells are also referred to as DCR solar cells.

DCR Solar PV Cells

Solar PV Cells are the heart of a solar panel.

It is the cell that converts light energy into electrical power. It is fragile and very thin. (A solar cell is approximately as thick as two to three sheets of regular A4 printing paper).

Cell Manufacturing Process

DCR Solar Cells must be made in India from the black or grey wafer stage.

Wafers that have already undergone processing till the ARC coating stage appear blue in colour and do not qualify for DCR modules.

Sometimes, DCR tenders specify that the modules also require other components, like the Encapsulant, Backsheet, Glass, etc., to have been manufactured in India.


DCR Panel Quality

The ALMM policy and BIS Certification that are mandatory in India today are excellent initiatives to ensure that the modules produced in India are of the highest quality.

RenewSys - DCR

RenewSys DCR modules use 100% indigenous RenewSys solar PV cells - Made in India, Made for India.


These modules are the best choice for projects under tenders that require solar PV modules, also known as solar panels, made with indigenous (Indian) solar PV cells like - PGVCL, RRECL, UPNEDA, TS-REDCO, JREDA, KSEB, etc.

Our solar panels also feature only RenewSys-made Encapsulant and Backsheet.


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